
Weekly layout for September 2015

Hey lovelies, gosh these posts seem to be so frequent as these months are flying by like crazy. Here I have my September weekly layouts for you. First of all I love the Fall more than any other season of the year BUT I didn't get too many cute fall washi tapes or stickers, so you will only see two weeks with the fall theme. Just wait until Oct, EVERY week will be a HALLOWEEN theme! It's my favorite Holiday!
Ok so this spread is too stinking cute BUT don't be a goofball like me guys, even though these stickers are too die for cute, they aren't practical and a total pain. NO more 3D stickers for me! They make it hard to plan your other weeks, TRUST ME!
Here it is fully planned. I adore the theme, colors it's all super cute. I like my layouts busy as you can clearly see for yourself.
On the second week, I went with two color combo's that I love. I really like how the butterflies and the color combo's just work perfectly.
This was a super busy week as you can see.I really dislike rescheduling or cancelling things but it's a part of life and it happens a lot. I like the sticker to make it cleaner without, whiteout or an loud X or something.
You guys know I love me some makeup and it was inevitable that I would eventually have a makeup theme so here it is. These were images I googled and printed out myself. I love this super girly spread.
This week was pretty cool, this week included my mom's b-day. We went to see her and bought her a gorgeous arrange of roses. We got a lot accomplished this week.
You know I "had" to create a fall layout for the first week of Fall! I love this layout so much. I love the colors and stickers, the whole bit.
Here is the planned final copy. Another busy week. My friends Becci, Enisa and I just had a planner party on Monday this week and decorated our little hearts away...HA HA HA, can't wait to show you guys what I'm doing in October.

Thank you so much for stopping by, I hope you have enjoyed my layouts for this month. Please let me know if you have your own spreads and if so, please send me links or names, I'd love to check them out.

Much Love Always,

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