
Working out and Motivation

Hello my lovelies, so this month I decided to get back on track. Girls not all of us have the luxury and ability to be fit "not skinny" but only one person can help us get there and that's YOU (ME)!
Ever since having my son MANY years ago (13) my weight has been a roller coaster. Thankfully I am not at my highest weight but there is plenty of room for improvement. To me it's not about being skinny, it's about staying active and being comfortable in my own skin! I am "lazy" I need to set a good example for my son and show him that regardless of weight when there is a will there is a way and that you need to
It's so easy to throw your hands up in the air and say I can't, it's too hard or whatever else excuse we give ourselves. I started this journey with two really good friends. In my opinion it is always easier when you have others to help motivate you and keep you in check. You have set realistic goals and expectations or else you are just going to set your self up to fail. It's not going to be easy, not in the slightest....BUT it will be worth it.
Tell yourself that you can and you will! I've done it before, so I know that I can again, you just have to stick to it. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to
I know not seeing results can be discouraging but don't give up! Join me and my friends in this journey, do it for yourself and lets keep each other posted on our progress, I know I fully intend on letting you all know how I am doing for sure.
I have set up a monthly workout plan for myself, just to let you know these are workouts, I am doing on my own. My friends each do their own workouts, so we are in the getting healthy state of mind together, but we each workout on our own. In other words you only need you to get going. PUSH yourself....do WHATEVER just get moving!

Just to let you know, I am going to attempt to walk at least 5 miles a week, do water aerobics twice a week and get some elliptical workouts in there as well. Hoping to workout 4X a week. I got this. There are 7 days in a week and 4 workout days are VERY doable.

And the last thing that helps me with my motivation is looking at a picture of myself at the weight I was happy with, and using that as my motivation. I wanted to share my pic. This was in 2011, not too long ago. I have exactly 24lbs to go.
At this point I was very comfortable in my own skin but I wouldn't consider myself skinny, I was healthy and VERY active.
I know you can do this! I will Keep you all posted on my progress.

Live Happy and Healthy and THANK YOU so much for stopping by.

Much Love,


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